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OPDHA™ is an exclusive product of Puredia using our advanced technology. It is an encapsulated powder of SeaBerry® oil and Algia™ oil which contains rich essential fatty acids Omega 3 (DHA), -6,-7 & -9 and potent antioxidant multivitamins and beta-carotene.


  • The FIRST and ONLY supplier of DHA plus Omega 7 Powder in the market

  • Natural fruity omega taste

  • High solubility and flowability, which makes it suitable for different applications like tablets, sachet, gummies

  • Wholly owned manufacturing facilities with international GMP certification

  • All the raw materials are the vegan origin and internationally-certified

  • Puredia Algia™ DHA oil comes from microalgae, free from pollution

  • Puredia SeaBerry® is originated from Tibetan Plateau, the Third Pole, at an altitude of 3000 meters. Its nutritional value is the highest among other bleeds and locations.

  • Supercritical CO₂ extraction – Low temperature and solvent-free process to preserve the delicate nutrients in their natural form

OPDHA Powder


  • DHA ≥ 5%

  • Omega 7 ≥ 5%


  1. Bernstein, Adam M., Michael F. Roizen, and Luis Martinez. “Purified palmitoleic acid for the reduction of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and serum lipids: a double-blinded, randomized, placebo controlled study.” Journal of clinical lipidology 8.6 (2014): 612-617.

  2. Sinn, Natalie, et al. “Effects of n-3 fatty acids, EPA v. DHA, on depressive symptoms, quality of life, memory and executive function in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: a 6-month randomised controlled trial.” British Journal of Nutrition 107.11 (2012): 1682-1693.

  3. Stough, Con, et al. “The effects of 90-day supplementation with the omega-3 essential fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on cognitive function and visual acuity in a healthy aging population.” Neurobiology of aging 33.4 (2012): 824-e1.