Top Superfood for Cellular Health

As we age, taking care of our cellular health becomes increasingly important to maintain our overall quality of life. After all, the basic building blocks of our body are made up of over 75 trillion cells that work together to keep us functioning at our best. Unfortunately, as we age, our cells can begin to break down, leading to symptoms such as slower metabolism, weak immune system, tiredness, weakness, and waste build-up in our cells.

That's where CyanthOx™, the groundbreaking plant-based antioxidant, comes in. With an antioxidant capacity of 9 times stronger than grape seed and 1.7 times stronger than pine bark, CyanthOx™ is the best thing you can add to your diet for optimal cellular health. It supports cellular health through five key mechanisms:


Cell Regeneration: Clinical studies have shown that CyanthOx™ can trigger stem cell release by nearly 40%, allowing cells to regenerate and repair damaged tissues and organs in our body. It can give the body the tools to repair and restore damaged tissues and organs before they become irreparable.

Nitric Oxide Production: CyanthOx™ increases nitric oxide levels by 96% in human cells, promoting increased blood flow and oxygen delivery to support healthy cellular metabolism and function.

Mitochondrial Health: CyanthOx™ boosts mitochondrial mass by 69% and ATP production by 117% in human cells. Mitochondrial helps convert nutrients from food into ATP, which is essential for supporting healthy cellular metabolism and function.

SOD Generation: Clinical trials suggest that CyanthOx™ enhances SOD by 11%, providing powerful antioxidant protection against oxidative stress, and contributing to increased longevity.

Free Radical Protection: CyanthOx™ outperforms grape seed extract in protecting cells from oxidative stresses and damages, including O₂⁻, HO, and DPPH. Maintaining a balance between free radicals and antioxidants is crucial for supporting healthy cellular function and reducing the risk of chronic diseases associated with oxidative stress.

By improving stem cell, nitric oxide, and mitochondrial health and reducing oxidative stress, CyanthOx™ can help keep your customers' cells functioning at their best, promoting healthy aging and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Its impressive benefits make it a valuable addition to any new product development in the healthcare and wellness industries.

Featured Ingredient

Strongest Plant Antioxidants: 8x Stronger than Grape Seed & Acai

  • 100% Plant-based 

  • No Additives / Solvent Used

  • Completely soluble in water

  • Good Thermal & pH Stability

  • Patented Technology

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