SuperBerry for Women's Health and Beauty

Get ready to discover the excellent benefits of sea buckthorn for women's health! First up, let's talk skin. As our body's largest organ, taking care of it is essential. Thankfully, sea buckthorn is here to help. A recent study showed that oral and topical use of sea buckthorn can improve skin hydration and elasticity, increase collagen synthesis, and even reduce wrinkles.

Of course, we must remember our hair. Sea buckthorn is packed with powerful Omega that helps repair damaged hair and increase hair growth and density. Moreover, Omega also helps to strengthen the nails and prevent them from becoming dry and brittle.

But that's not all – sea buckthorn can even help with vaginal atrophy and the discomfort that comes with it. Research has shown that sea buckthorn oil, specifically Omega 7, can improve vaginal health and mucosal integrity, making it a potential alternative for women who cannot use estrogen treatment for vaginal atrophy.

With all these incredible benefits, it's clear that sea buckthorn is a must-have for any woman looking to improve her health and well-being. So try it out for yourself and experience the power of this unique plant!

Omegia™, Clinically-Tested Omega 3 6 7 9 formula for Beauty & Women Health

100% Plant-Based
100% Whole Food
Available in oil & powder form
TRI-CAP™ Microencapsulated
Sustainably & Responsibly Made

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