Algia™ Vegan DHA: No Fishy Smell & Taste

Do you know how to identify good quality DHA powder? It’s the smell and taste! DHA does not naturally come with fishy smell and taste. They only occur when the DHA oxidizes and breaks down into its byproducts, lipid peroxides, which give off the rancid odor and taste of rotten fish.

Apart from sensory judgement, the quality of DHA powder can also be reflected by lipid peroxides content. An example of good quality DHA powder is Algia™ Microalgae DHA powder. Its peroxide value was shown to be 34% below the US and EU food standards, after 18 months under room temperature and humidity.

Algia™ Microalgae DHA 

Oil: 40% / 50% DHA 
Powder: 10% / 20% / 30% DHA

Shelf Life: 24 months
Low-Temperature, Solvent-Free Extracted
Double Layer Microencapsulated
Sustainably & Responsibly Made

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